On Writing Blog Posts

I was sitting here looking at my Roam/Apple notes wondering which one of these should I write about?

Interesting: you will often furiously jot down a realization thinking “this will be a good blog post later on.” But when Later comes, and you’re rereading the sentence(s), the emotional resonance from prior is gone and now you’re thinking “this is is still true…but I don’t feel a need to write about this anymore.”

Is this what “write drunk, edit sober” partially means?

I will still use my “running notes” via Roam and iNotes to process thoughts (many being business related) quickly and in live-time. But when it comes to “formally” making a blog entry, either:

  1. Comb through the “starred” running notes and see if there is any I want to expand upon, or just delete them.

  2. Write about what is currently on my my mind (ie what my conscious/subconscious is [still] thinking about).


The Prodigal Son, The Resentful Brother and The Loving Father


Emotional Obliteration