Random Thoughts

Friday, Jul 21

8:21pm 2023

What am I doing this weekend?

I should be bouldering with Jo and our cousin Emily, who I haven’t seen in a few years.

I’m hoping I found a new gym at Crossfit Lumberyard since RXD unexpectedly shut down (I will miss that environment).

I wanted to play MTG, create with Logic Pro and begin shooting film again because I feel those are extensions of who I am when I am not working, but I don’t feel like doing them, the activation energy seems too much right now.

Not having music or video on my iPhone and Mac makes me even write this in the first place.

I want to attend more events at Berean, I look forward to talking to people there on Sunday and get the good word.

I worked 18 hours yesterday, that was cool. I know sleeping is what my body needs right now but I’m itching for something. I’m very grateful to be resting right now in the Observatory living room right now.

Going to an event and mingling with cool people sounds fun.

Finishing Experiencing God (last 2 chapters) crosses my mind.

Okay I’m getting drowsy now.


Random Thoughts


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