Small Bites

Why I quit Tumblr

  1. I was browsing my feed and suggestions more than actually writing/posting.

  2. There was a disproportionate amount of left-leaning content that was hard to keep seeing on a regular basis.

Why I [now] stay away from cannabis

It’s too good at calming me down, at reducing my anxiety. It lets me be blissfully okay with the state of affairs in my life. I end up increasing my frequency and begin to develop a dependency on it. It becomes much more difficult to stay still, to Rest, to Wrestle, to Create and to be a social cat seeking others. It allows me to be okay with going day by day by day… I end up stress/binge eating more frequently. I end up binge watching video content mindlessly. It makes be too okay with being too alone too often.

*Coffee, nicotine and alcohol do not have the same intoxicating, alluring effect.

What I wrote on my iPhone after watching Poor Yella Rednecks


Every other weekend, something like this needs to be seen. To regain courage.

Wow. This must be why people go to church every week…


The Neccesity for Both Newness and Mastery


The Prodigal Son, The Resentful Brother and The Loving Father