Fasting/Abstinence, to find a way Forward

  1. The whole point of fasting, abstaining and disciplining yourself is to get to an Uncomfortable point where you will start pushing yourself beyond your limits, find your Dream and Understand the meaning of life. (Luckily you only need about 66 days of self-discipline and will power in order for a new neural pathway to Manifest as a habit [The One Thing, Keller])

  2. But a habit to achieve what? Because fasting/abstinence in and of itself is not the goal. It is not meant to be done forever and without achieving the purpose of it. Be wary of the danger of subscribing to the religiosity of fasting, without completing the more significant part of what comes next?

  3. Just anticipate that (at least for 66 days) you will feel Cranky, Restless, Agitated, Bored, etc. and that is is part of the Hero’s Journey. Tap into these emotional states, they will begin to push you further into the Mist. (If you can’t bear to do anything outside of the list, don’t do anything. Just do Nothing, and let things spontaneously happen.)

  4. The List: (* indicates not being done yet)

    • Locked phone

    • No thc/cbd

    • Facebook/Instagram deactivated

    • Spotify/Soundcloud removed from my phone

    • No Youtube/Netflix

    • No Porn

    • Fasting from food 1x/week + Attending dawn prayer service 1x/week

    • Limit going to gym only 4x/week (3 Crossfit classes, 1 strength lifting session that must be done on the weekend)

    • Wake up at 4am M-TH

    • *Cut paycheck period by 15% by 30% by 50%

    • *Give up alcohol and cigarettes

  5. Books that are helping:

    The One Thing - Gary Keller

    How We Change (And Ten Reasons Why We Don’t) - Ross Ellenhorn

    The Artist’s Journey: The Wake of the Hero’s Journey and the Lifelong Pursuit of Meaning - Steven Pressfield

    Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals - Oliver Burkeman

    Never Enough: The Neuroscience and Experience of Addiction - Judith Grisel

    12 Rules For Life: Antidote to Chaos - Jordan Peterson
    Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson


Life slice


The Neccesity for Both Newness and Mastery