Life slice

Saturday. It’s a cloudy day, a welcome reprieve from the August heat and the pressure of the looming sqf audit. I’ve just finished a noble degenerates breakfast: eggs, Diet Coke and the last slice of pizza of sgt pepperonis and an espresso.

After playing a few rounds of magic the gathering online last night , I turned in at around midnight , waking up from the daylight at around 7am. Not bad , but not great . But that’s revenge bedtime procrastination for you.

After I shower I’m out the door and headed to the office to see what I’ll be doing today.

Part 2

I arrived at the office. We are doing major renovation, you can literally see Change coming. Tim and I talk outside and he informs me of the big hiring and directional pushes that will all be occurring. In short: big, scary and exciting responsibilities coming toward everyone’s way.

And just like that, my emotional statehas changed for a Saturday morning. All of a sudden, the desire to write about a slice of life has vanished. Now all I can think about is how to get everything done. Suddenly the breaks between weekends and weekdays are no longer as salient, required nor desired.

At least until this part of the journey is done.


Life Slice


Fasting/Abstinence, to find a way Forward