Journal: Tired


I’m so tired that I don’t want to do anything, but it’s hard doing nothing as well.

I’m waiting for my clothes to finish washing and I picked up my dry cleaning earlier.

Went to work, but productivity was lower than during the week. There has to be another way of doing the week and weekends.

I’m alone at home right now and I was tempted to watch porn but I didn’t.

I don’t want to go to the movies. I want to go to church tomorrow and will attend the new visitor’s luncheon afterward.

How do I rest?



I finished folding my laundry and I talked with J while doing it because I don’t have any media available. And I feel better after socializing with people.

Downloaded some book recommendations, so that’s what I’ll probably do after shaving and showering.

Right now I’m going to get the Snoop Dogg munchies meal at Jack in the Box as a treat.

I think I am ready to naturally go to sleep tonight.

And probably will have an itch to do some kind of physical movement tomorrow.

Morning will be nice tomorrow before 11am service, to just enjoy the morning.


Journal: Sunday


Journal: Hope