Journal: Hope


What gives me hope? To keep moving forward. To not just quit, but desire passionately in steps?

  • Retirement

  • 1 full weekend off each month

  • Getting married

  • Breaking past limits, remembering past limits that were broken

  • Growing into church community, social interactions at church and gym

  • Hobbies: mtg, blogging, film photo, music production, reading/manga

  • Quitting porn, no video/audio apps on my phone

  • Trying to get closer to God

  • Exercise: crossfit 3x/week, bouldering 1x/week

  • Sabbath rest

  • Growing in managing/delegating work departments

  • Getting back quicker from down peaks of negative “why is everything broken” to positive “this can be fixed, and will improve my life”

  • Pressure/encouragement to compete and complete Goals with coworkers, gym members and family

  • Getting better at getting/organizing information, finding the signal in noise and executing/completing

  • M-Sat morning “Jesus Calling” book


Journal: Tired


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