Random Thoughts


Doing nothing is surprising difficult, but rewarding, I mean just closing your eyes and breathing and letting thoughts come and go. To let feelings surge, be tempered, pushed down or processed.

We are visiting Uncle Johnny before family dinner today after his successful surgery with removing his cancerous tumor.

Nick introduced himself to me after 9am service was over. Good reminder to just sit in the chair and talk with people, it feels very warm and welcoming as a newcomer!

There are 5 days coming up where I will give it my all at work, I am slightly nervous but know I am doing my best actually resting today.

Going to doodle on Logic Pro for as long as I can right after this (usually 10 minutes) and likely play a round or two of MTG online. I already prepared my gym and work clothing. Watered the fig leaves upstairs. I might shoot some hoops and/or keep dozing on the couch downstairs.

Recently I finished Mashle (muscles and magic) manga and am currently reading My Hero Academia manga.

I am looking for a wife.

Recently I've felt a longing for God, to experience intimacy with Him. Yes, I am working hard at becoming a man of God, but I just feel the secret whisperings and warmth is lower than it could be. (Sermon today: you have forgotten your first love. Love the Lord with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul)

Mom’s birthday is next Friday.

I’m thankful for Sundays, Thankful I get at least 1 day a week to not go to the office. Thankful that I am still going to church. Thankful for Crossfit and bouldering. Thankful for having the opportunity to be courageous and break self limitations. Thankful for accepting any “unfairness” in life.

*I realized I felt that Sundays are too short. But if I have an actual 2 day weekend (Saturday) that would feel incredible. I’ve been working the last 5 Saturdays in a row plus OT during the week. I will make it a goal to have one full weekend each month.


Journal: Hope


Random Thoughts