Labor Day Weekend

Sunday 1:37pm

I’m using nicotine patches to get off of nicotine completely, it’s day 03 today. I know this can only be done by God and is another way of experiencing God. My caffeine usage will increase but that’s okay.

Today’s sermon about Judas Iscariot was really good (ie how do you know you are not Judas Iscariot <iCloud notes #sermon>)?

There are 3 signs you are betraying God: you stop studying the Bible, you stop interacting with church members and you stop going to church completely. Because these things bring light to darkness, making it impossible for darkness to exist at the same time.

I turned 30 yesterday.

I’m going to the gym after the inductive bible study lab. Not sure what I will do after. I know I’ll be working tomorrow on Labor Day. Just going to practice being present. I notice that without oral consumption of nicotine, I feel and think about more of the things left to do at work. I prayed to God during service today to be true to Him in everything I do.


John 3:16 - If humans never sinned, would Jesus have had to die on the cross? Would Jesus have had to come to Earth? To be man and paid for our sins as men? (For God SO loved the world, THAT he gave His only BEGOTTEN [give rise to] son)




Journal: Taking Saturday Off