Beautiful Day, Kingdom Come

What a beautiful and peaceful afternoon. My chin lolls down to my chest periodically, as I see the sun splash brightly through the opened veranda doors and into the living room, with the neighbor’s AC unit roaring gently in the background.

And this tangerine Topo Chico is really hitting the spot.

We are studying Berean’s ten fold covenant and reading Macarthur’s “Master’s Plan for the Church” this bible study session. I like my group and feel spiritually strengthened after the first session earlier this week. R went with me, and it turns out both R and J will probably moving to Berean.

Although it did not work out with S, I’ve already learned so much dating as a believer.

Keeping a “dating journal,” frequency of communication based on how long you have been dating, experiencing how it feels when you thought it was going well, but then are unexpectedly made aware otherwise (and then processing it and realizing it might have been for the best).

Pastor Peter Kim said the message of the cross is not about our salvation in and of itself. It is for the purpose of advancing the kingdom of God. So what is the Kingdom of God? What is it’s purpose? What problem does it solve? And if it just “is,” then what is it?


Kobe, Japan


Passing through a dry stretch