Passing through a dry stretch

I feel both restless and thankful for having the time to be in solitude and rest.

I’m working 60 hours a week. I’ve begun to go on dates. I’m having fun with mtg. I get rigorous exercise 3x/week with Crossfitt/mma. I’m don’t cope with vices anymore. I am spending time with church folk and family.

But I feel incomplete. I am glad that Wed bible study is starting up again in 2 weeks. I’m spiritually looking forward to the September retreat. I’ve strayed a bit from my daily commute audio bible QT. I am attending various workshops at church and always learning more about myself and God.

I know for a fact that I have radically changed, thanks to God’s miraculous grace and mercy. What I think about, spend my free time on and how I work on my flaws all indicate a lasting change.

I think I am feeling the “dry stretch” that happens after the initial high you get from being abundantly blessed (and blessing others) with joining a fantastic church and Renewing/Growing deeper in my relationship with God.

I will not be leaving the path again, that is the difference between now and before.

My God, Lord and Savior, draw me close to you. Break me to obey and enslave myself to you. Help me continue to fall in love with you and be afraid of you. Help me to continue to seek you and your Will.

Like Paul, I will buffet this body to make it obey, for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

Help me to learn how to pray in intercession, for both myself and others. For we are fighting not against flesh and blood but spiritual forces.



Beautiful Day, Kingdom Come


Dating to Marry: What is my “ministry?”