Sunday 10:34am (What I do NOT want to do)

This is interesting. What do I do now?

I do not want to particularly do any of my “Big 3” hobbies (ie photo, blog, music). I also did my weekly minimum goal for these already also.

The easy thing (and what I have always done) is to “relax” by watching tv or playing video games.

That is precisely what I do NOT want to, for several reasons:

  1. I want to actually recover from cognitive exhaustion, so that I can enter and finish the work week strong, with enthusiasm, hope and joy.

  2. I want to please and obey God by spending “‘my’ free time” in a way that pleases Him (worship/delight in Him, spread the Gospel, love others as He loves me).

  3. I believe that watching tv and playing video games will prevent me or greatly slow my maturity in discovering and obeying God’s will. And my subjective enjoyment/satisfaction with life, in present/future/past tense.

I will say this started with, and I enjoyed, having a good coffee and spacing out while feeling the peak of the caffeine buzz.

I do in a strange way look forward to just seeing how the rest of this day will reveal itself on this Sabbath.

I will probably go eat something soon, but not sure of what. Something Asian…maybe BCD? And then enjoy just reading some books on my kindle while I eat.


Ok cool, we have 3.5 hours left before heading to bed.

Ate BCD. Ate Sul & Beans. Grabbed a PB cake from their new Campus location for Dad. Came home and closed my eyes for a few minutes. Changed my sheets. Sent out some film to develop. Now I’m waiting for the Sortex bags to finish laundering.

For sure it was a simple and humble afternoon, but I do feel like I Rested and just allowed myself to space out and be bored for pockets of time while in the house.

What to do for the remainder of the evening?

Probably continue reading (ie What is the Gospel by 9marks). Maybe snack a little bit.

Will probably have a small dinner and cake with Dad at home. He may or may not want to talk about his birthday and thoughts.

Not particularly feeling inclined to do music or play some online Magic. If I do, I do.

That’s about it!

Maybe this will lead into a good week, where I am present, aligning myself with the Holy Spirit and just really attending to what is in front of me, no matter what the event is.

I also feel this solitude lets my mind wander and begin to think of what to do/plan for. To enjoy God and hear Him when he speaks.


What a beautiful weekend


July 4th 2024 Weekend