What a beautiful weekend

Jul 21 2024 11:45am

Event Log

What a beautiful weekend.

Just getting the time to rest. To be healthily bored. To enjoy the sun while walking to service and the coolness of the library afterwards.

Why do I feel good this weekend? What did I end up doing?


Went to Kingslayer after work and picked up a Commander precon deck. Seats were sold out but I learned from Christina how to prepare for next time. Seems like a healthy mtg community, look forward to playing some Magic each week with the community.

Going to bed on weekends is still slightly difficult, even after an eventful day, but it’s good practice in learning how to unwind and let sleep take me.


Went to work for about 5 hours to get my 60 hours in.

Went to 11am Muay Thai class during the middle and had fun with sparring.

Had about 2 hours left before meeting up with my Berean broom ball dinner group, so I went to Kspa. The endorphins from the cold/hot pool was GLORIOUS.

Had a great dinner at Roscoe’s Anaheim with my group, then had a surprisingly good/active time at broom ball. Fell like 7 times but felt so good playing with new and old friends.


Woke up naturally at 7am so decided to go to 1st service. Great sermon.

Had a wonderfully relaxing and delicious time eating breakfast alone at Nep Cafe.

After making a few more appointments for the coming week, I went to Heritage Library (where I am typing this).

I’ll be back at Berean to help with breaking down the baptismal pool after 3rd service.

Then head home to just rest, prepare my clothes and gym bag for the week.

Rest of the evening just spending time with family, doing some hobbies and then going to bed (:


Quick Thoughts

Why is Abstinence Important?

Abstaining from pmo and YouTube allows Boredom and “spiritual pressure” to naturally build up. This ultimately creates an Overflow of seeking God, serving and loving others and to have joy, peace and thanksgiving in fellowship, work, hobbies and thinking/doing new things.

Why do we get Sunday Scaries?

This can be a whole separate essay. But in short, we are trying to avoid reality and responsibilities. Or it is a new/difficult season of life (but this gives you the opportunity to mature and grow deeper in your relationship with Christ as savior and lord).

By resting properly and submitting to God, we can do our best at “diving” into the week, versus shrinking away.

What is Rest?

Sleep, napping, zoning out at a park, getting Bored, going to the spa, Not being on any devices. Hobbies. Eating. Reading the Bible. Praying. Worshiping. Fellowshipping. Being alone in silence. Observing the Sabbath. Going on a vacation. Going on a mini daycation.

*Although some of the above if used incorrectly can make you even more tired.

*Almost always screens do not provide rest. Being alone too much is not rest. Being constantly with other people is also not rest.

What is the purpose of Rest?


Dating to Marry: What is my “ministry?”


Sunday 10:34am (What I do NOT want to do)