Sunday 10:41am

Wow, what a beautiful day.

I really savored the slowness of Sabbath. No alarm clock.

Woke up at 7am after 8 hours of sleep.

Planned on going to a cafe but went with the flow instead.

Went downstairs and fried an egg and ate my leftover steak katsu sandwich.

Made myself a cup of coffee. I noticed the mist/sprinkle following outside the window and relished the beauty.

Read a few more pages of Gospel According to Jesus. It continues to be compelling and riveting.

Afterwards, I boxed up one box worth of belongings to store in the garage. Lately I’ve had a desire to minimize everything in my room to only what I regularly use.

Changed my sheets and then hopped in the shower to get ready for church.

What do I plan on doing for the rest of the day?

Head to church in about 10min. Do my cleaning shift after service. 50/50 on going to this week’s book club with Kyle. Maybe I will just stay for 30-45 minutes. Max 1 hour.

Feel like doing a quick gym workout, then probably Door Dash Boiling Point for dinner.
Finish the evening with working a little on my photo section and making music.

Plan on getting in at 5am tomorrow because I rested well this weekend.

Learning how to abstain from Youtube/adult content/gaming/certain music (but more so the first two) continues to be a miraculous sanctification process. My affectations are changing, and I know it’s not from my own will power or desire. It is a regenerative force from the Holy Spirit.

It is remarkable that the longer I abstain from fleshly devices (but not in and of itself), the more I find my previous, healthier desires naturally coming out. Going on a weekend excursion. Wanting to really travel. Read, write and engage in hobbies. Get coffees/meals with people.

Thank you God, Savior and Lord.


Sunday 7:25pm


May 29 2024